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New FinancialVerse Book Helps Consumers
Buy Life Insurance



“My over 20 years as a CEO in the life insurance business confirms the research — one of the key reasons consumers don’t buy the coverage they need is that they do not understand the benefits of life insurance. So I have authored a new book that explains the protection and peace of mind owning life insurance provides and offers a complete guide to buying the product.”


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The COVID-19 pandemic has inspired many people to see the value of life insurance. Now more than ever consumers need the knowledge to put coverage in effect to protect their dependents and families.


The FinancialVerse: Today’s Life Insurance — A Protection Tool for Your Future guides consumers through the world of life insurance using simple language and examples that are easy to read and understand.  The publication will help consumers prepare to meet with a financial professional and apply for the life insurance coverage they need.

Today’s Life Insurance provides a clear road map on the key questions and concerns of buying life insurance including:

  • What is Life Insurance?

  • Why Buy?

  • The Core Product Benefits

  • When Coverage is Not Needed

  • How Much Protection Is Needed?

  • The Different Product Types

  • The Major Positives and Negatives of Available Products

  • The Right Mix of Policies to Buy

  • The Misunderstood Tax Benefits of Life Insurance

  • Why Work-Provided Coverage May Not Be Enough

  • Where to Buy and the Five Step Buying Process

  • Why and When to Work with An Agent

  • The Financial Strength of Life Insurance Companies

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